Targeting Notch, a key pathway for ovarian cancer stem cells, sensitizes tumors to platinum therapy

Autor: McAuliffe, Shannon M., Morgan, Stefanie L., Wyant, Gregory A., Tran, Lieu T., Muto, Katherine W., Chen, Yu Sarah, Chin, Kenneth T., Partridge, Justin C., Poole, Barish B., Cheng, Kuang-Hung, Daggett,, John, Cullen, Kristen, Kantoff, Emily, Hasselbatt, Kathleen, Berkowitz, Julia, Muto, Michael G., Berkowitz, Ross S., Aster, Jon C., Matulonis, Ursula A., Dinulescu, Daniela M.
Zdroj: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2012 Oct . 109(43), 17325-17326.
Databáze: JSTOR Journals