Autism gene variant causes hyperserotonemia, serotonin receptor hypersensitivity, social impairment and repetitive behavior

Autor: Veenstra-VanderWeele, Jeremy, Muller, Christopher L., Iwamoto, Hideki, Sauer, Jennifer E., Owens, W. Anthony, Shah, Charisma R., Cohen, Jordan, Mannangatti, Padmanabhan, Jessen, Tammy, Thompson, Brent J., Ye, Ran, Kerr, Travis M., Carneiro, Ana M., Crawley, Jacqueline N., Sanders-Bush, Elaine, McMahon, Douglas G., Ramamoorthy, Sammanda, Daws, Lynette C., Sutcliffe, James S., Blakely, Randy D.
Zdroj: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2012 Apr 01. 109(14), 5469-5474.
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