Pubertal delay in male nonhuman primates (Macaca mulatta) treated with methylphenidate

Autor: Mattison, Donald R., Plant, Tony M., Lin, Hui-Min, Chen, Hung-Chia, Chen, James J., Twaddle, Nathan C., Doerge, Daniel, Slikker,, William, Patton, Ralph E., Hotchkiss, Charlotte E., Callicott, Ralph J., Schrader, Steven M., Turner, Terry W., Kesner, James S., Vitiello, Benedetto, Petibone, Dayton M., Morris, Suzanne M.
Zdroj: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2011 Sep . 108(39), 16301-16306.
Databáze: JSTOR Journals