Receptor activator of NF-қB (RANK) stimulates the proliferation of epithelial cells of the epidermo-pilosebaceous unit

Autor: Duheron, Vincent, Hess, Estelle, Duval, Monique, Decossas, Marion, Castaneda, Beatriz, Klöpper, Jennifer E., Amoasii, Leonela, Barbaroux, Jean-Baptiste, Williams, Ifor R., Yagita, Hideo, Penninger, Josef, Choi, Yongwon, Lézot, Frédéric, Groves, Richard, Paus, Ralf, Mueller, Christopher G., Chambon, Pierre
Zdroj: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2011 Mar . 108(13), 5342-5347.
Databáze: JSTOR Journals