Nucleotide oligomerization domain-containing proteins instruct T cell helper type 2 immunity through stromal activation

Autor: Magalhaes, Joao G., Rubino, Stephen J., Travassos, Leonardo H., Le Bourhis, Lionel, Duan, Wei, Sellge, Gernot, Geddes, Karou, Reardon, Colin, Lechmann, Matthias, Carneiro, Leticia A., Selvanantham, Thirumahal, Fritz, Jorg H., Taylor, Betsy C., Artis, David, Mak, Tak Wah, Comeau, Michael R., Croft, Michael, Girardin, Stephen E., Philpott, Dana J.
Zdroj: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2011 Sep 01. 108(36), 14896-14901.
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