P7C3-A20 treatment one year after TBI in mice repairs the blood–brain barrier, arrests chronic neurodegeneration, and restores cognition

Autor: Vázquez-Rosa, Edwin, Shin, Min-Kyoo, Dhar, Matasha, Chaubey, Kalyani, Cintrón-Pérez, Coral J., Tang, Xinmiao, Liao, Xudong, Miller, Emiko, Koh, Yeojung, Barker, Sarah, Franke, Kathryn, Crosby, Danyel R., Schroeder, Rachel, Emery, Josie, Yin, Terry C., Fujioka, Hisashi, Reynolds, James D., Harper, Matthew M., Jain, Mukesh K., Pieper, Andrew A.
Zdroj: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020 Nov 01. 117(44), 27667-27675.
Databáze: JSTOR Journals