The INTEROCC case-control study : risk of meningioma and occupational exposure to selected combustion products, dusts and other chemical agents

Autor: McElvenny, Damien M, van Tongeren, Martie, Turner, Michelle C, Benke, Geza, Figuerola, Jordi, Fleming, Sarah, Hours, Martine, Kincl, Laurel, Krewski, Daniel, McLean, Dave, Parent, Marie-Élise, Richardson, Lesley, Schlehofer, Brigitte, Schlaefer, Klaus, Sadetzki, Siegal, Schüz, Joachim, Siemiatycki, Jack, Cardis, Elisabeth
Zdroj: Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2018 Jan 01. 75(1), 12-22.
Databáze: JSTOR Journals