Defining the impact of mutation accumulation on replicative lifespan in yeast using cancer-associated mutator phenotypes

Autor: Lee, Mitchell B., Dowsett, Ian T., Carr, Daniel T., Wasko, Brian M., Stanton, Sarah G., Chung, Michael S., Ghodsian, Niloufar, Bode, Anna, Kiflezghi, Michael G., Uppal, Priya A., Grayden, Katherine A., Elala, Yordanos C., Tang, Thao T., Tran, Ngoc H. B., Tran, Thu H. B., Diep, Anh B., Hope, Michael, Promislow, Daniel E. L., Kennedy, Scott R., Kaeberlein, Matt, Herr, Alan J.
Zdroj: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2019 Feb . 116(8), 3062-3071.
Databáze: JSTOR Journals