Plasma kallikrein modulates immune cell trafficking during neuroinflammation via PAR2 and bradykinin release

Autor: Göbel, Kerstin, Asaridou, Chloi-Magdalini, Merker, Monika, Eichler, Susann, Herrmann, Alexander M., Geuß, Eva, Ruck, Tobias, Schüngel, Lisa, Groeneweg, Linda, Narayanan, Venu, Schneider-Hohendorf, Tilman, Gross, Catharina C., Wiendl, Heinz, Kehrel, Beate E., Kleinschnitz, Christoph, Meuth, Sven G.
Zdroj: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2019 Jan 01. 116(1), 271-276.
Databáze: JSTOR Journals