The structural basis for cancer drug interactions with the catalytic and allosteric sites of SAMHD1

Autor: Knecht, Kirsten M., Buzovetsky, Olga, Schneider, Constanze, Thomas, Dominique, Srikanth, Vishok, Kaderali, Lars, Tofoleanu, Florentina, Reiss, Krystle, Ferreirós, Nerea, Geisslinger, Gerd, Batista, Victor S., Ji, Xiaoyun, Cinatl, Jindrich, Keppler, Oliver T., Xiong, Yong
Zdroj: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2018 Oct . 115(43), E10022-E10031.
Databáze: JSTOR Journals