Increases in activity of proteasome and papain-like cysteine protease in Arabidopsis autophagy mutants : back-up compensatory effect or cell-death promoting effect?

Autor: Havé, Marien, Balliau, Thierry, Cottyn-Boitte, Betty, Dérond, Emeline, Cueff, Gwendal, Soulay, Fabienne, Lornac, Aurélia, Reichman, Pavel, Dissmeyer, Nico, Avice, Jean-Christophe, Gallois, Patrick, Rajjou, Loïc, Zivy, Michel, Masclaux-Daubresse, Céline
Zdroj: Journal of Experimental Botany, 2018 Jan 01. 69(6), 1369-1385.
Databáze: JSTOR Journals