Lack of Truncated IFITM3 Transcripts in Cells Homozygous for the rs12252-C Variant That is Associated With Severe Influenza Infection

Autor: Makvandi-Nejad, Shokouh, Laurenson-Schafer, Henry, Wang, LiLi, Wellington, Dannielle, Zhao, Yan, Jin, Boquan, Qin, Ling, Kite, Kerry, Moghadam, Hooman K., Song, Chaojun, Clark, Kevin, Hublitz, Philip, Townsend, Alain R., Wu, Hao, McMichael, Andrew J., Zhang, YongHong, Dong, Tao
Zdroj: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2018 Jan . 217(2), 257-262.
Databáze: JSTOR Journals