ErbB2 regulates autophagic flux to modulate the proteostasis of APP-CTFs in Alzheimer’s disease

Autor: Wang, Bo-Jeng, Her, Guor Mour, Hu, Ming-Kuan, Chen, Yun-Wen, Tung, Ying-Tsen, Wu, Pei-Yi, Hsu, Wen-Ming, Lee, Hsinyu, Jin, Lee-Way, Hwang, Sheng-Ping L., Chen, Rita P.-Y., Huang, Chang-Jen, Liao, Yung-Feng
Zdroj: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2017 Apr 01. 114(15), E3129-E3138.
Databáze: JSTOR Journals