Dual bioluminescence and near-infrared fluorescence monitoring to evaluate spherical nucleic acid nanoconjugate activity in vivo

Autor: Sita, Timothy L., Kouri, Fotini M., Hurley, Lisa A., Merkel, Timothy J., Chalastanis, Alexandra, May, Jasmine L., Ghelfi, Serena T., Cole, Lisa E., Cayton, Thomas C., Barnaby, Stacey N., Sprangers, Anthony J., Savalia, Nikunjkumar, James, Charles David, Lee, Andrew, Mirkin, Chad A., Stegh, Alexander H.
Zdroj: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2017 Apr . 114(16), 4129-4134.
Databáze: JSTOR Journals