Senescent cells expose and secrete an oxidized form of membrane-bound vimentin as revealed by a natural polyreactive antibody

Autor: Frescas, David, Roux, Christelle M., Aygun-Sunar, Semra, Gleiberman, Anatoli S., Krasnov, Peter, Kurnasov, Oleg V., Strom, Evguenia, Virtuoso, Lauren P., Wrobel, Michelle, Osterman, Andrei L., Antoch, Marina P., Mett, Vadim, Chernova, Olga B., Gudkov, Andrei V.
Zdroj: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2017 Feb . 114(9), E1668-E1677.
Databáze: JSTOR Journals