Elevated CO₂ maintains grassland net carbon uptake under a future heat and drought extreme

Autor: Roy, Jacques, Picon-Cochard, Catherine, Augusti, Angela, Benot, Marie-Lise, Thiery, Lionel, Darsonville, Olivier, Landais, Damien, Piel, Clément, Defossez, Marc, Devidal, Sébastien, Escape, Christophe, Ravel, Olivier, Fromin, Nathalie, Volaire, Florence, Milcu, Alexandru, Bahn, Michael, Soussana, Jean-François
Zdroj: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2016 May . 113(22), 6224-6229.
Databáze: JSTOR Journals