Repeated Cycles of Recombinant Human Interleukin 7 in HIV-Infected Patients With Low CD4 T-Cell Reconstitution on Antiretroviral Therapy; Results of 2 Phase II Multicenter Studies

Autor: Thiebaut, Rodolphe, jarne, Ana, Routy, Jean-Pierre, Sereti, Irini, Fischl, Margaret, lve, Prudence, Speck, Roberto F., D'Offizi, Gianpiero, Casari, Salvatore, Commenges, Daniel, Foulkes, Sharne, Natarajan, Ven, Croughs, Therese, Delfraissy, Jean-Francois, Tambussi, Guiseppe, Levy, Yves, Lederman, Michael M.
Zdroj: Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2016 May 01. 62(9), 1178-1185.
Databáze: JSTOR Journals