Genome-Wide Association Study Provides Evidence for a Breast Cancer Risk Locus at 6q22.33

Autor: Gold, Bert, Kirchhoff, Tomas, Stefanov, Stefan, Lautenberger, James, Viale, Agnes, Garber, Judy, Friedman, Eitan, Narod, Steven, Olshen, Adam B., Gregersen, Peter, Kosarin, Kristi, Olsh, Adam, Bergeron, Julie, Ellis, Nathan A., Klein, Robert J., Clark, Andrew G., Norton, Larry, Dean, Michael, Boyd, Jeff, Offit, Kenneth
Zdroj: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2008 Mar . 105(11), 4340-4345.
Databáze: JSTOR Journals