Aquaculture's struggle for space : the need for coastal spatial planning and the potential benefits of Allocated Zones for Aquaculture (AZAs) to avoid conflict and promote sustainability

Autor: Sanchez-Jerez, P., Karakassis, I., Massa, F., Fezzardi, D., Aguilar-Manjarrez, J., Soto, D., Chapela, R., Avila, P., Macias, J. C., Tomassetti, P., Marino, G., Borg, J. A., Franičević, V., Yucel-Gier, G., Fleming, I. A., Biao, X., Nhhala, H., Hamza, H., Forcada, A., Dempster, T.
Zdroj: Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 2015 Jan 01. 8, 41-54.
Databáze: JSTOR Journals