Trypanosomal TAC40 constitutes a novel subclass of mitochondrial β-barrel proteins specialized in mitochondrial genome inheritance

Autor: Schnarwiler, Felix, Niemann, Moritz, Doiron, Nicholas, Harsman, Anke, Käser, Sandro, Mani, Jan, Chanfon, Astrid, Dewar, Caroline E., Oeljeklaus, Silke, Jackson, Christopher B., Pusnik, Mascha, Schmidt, Oliver, Meisinger, Chris, Hiller, Sebastian, Warscheid, Bettina, Schnaufer, Achim C., Ochsenreiter, Torsten, Schneider, André
Zdroj: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2014 May . 111(21), 7624-7629.
Databáze: JSTOR Journals