Through the orbit and beyond: Current state and future perspectives in endoscopic orbital surgery on behalf of the EANS frontiers committee in orbital tumors and the EANS skull base section

Autor: Zoia, C., Mantovani, G., Müther, M., Suero Molina, E., Scerrati, A., De Bonis, P., Cornelius, J.F., Roche, P.H., Tatagiba, M., Jouanneau, E., Manet, R., Schroeder, H.W.S., Cavallo, L.M., Kasper, E.M., Meling, T.R., Mazzatenta, D., Daniel, R.T., Messerer, M., Visocchi, M., Froelich, S., Bruneau, M., Spena, G.
Zdroj: In Brain and Spine 2023 3
Databáze: ScienceDirect