Targeted Intestinal Tight Junction Hyperpermeability Alters the Microbiome, Behavior, and Visceromotor Responses

Autor: Inczefi, O., Bacquié, V., Olier-Pierre, M., Rincel, M., Ringot-Destrez, B., Ellero-Simatos, S., Eutamène, H., Bétoulières, C., Thomas, J., Lainé, J., Gros, L., Lévêque, M., Leonard, R., Harkat, C., Robbe-Masselot, C., Róka, R., Mercier-Bonin, M., Theodorou, V., Darnaudéry, M., Turner, J.R., Ferrier, L.
Zdroj: In Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2020 10(1):206-208
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