Enhanced labile plasma iron and outcome in acute myeloid leukaemia and myelodysplastic syndrome after allogeneic haemopoietic cell transplantation (ALLIVE): a prospective, multicentre, observational trial

Autor: Wermke, Martin, Eckoldt, Julia, Götze, Katharina S, Klein, Stefan A, Bug, Gesine, de Wreede, Liesbeth C, Kramer, Michael, Stölzel, Friedrich, von Bonin, Malte, Schetelig, Johannes, Laniado, Michael, Plodeck, Verena, Hofmann, Wolf-Karsten, Ehninger, Gerhard, Bornhäuser, Martin, Wolf, Dominik, Theurl, Igor, Platzbecker, Uwe
Zdroj: In The Lancet Haematology May 2018 5(5):e201-e210
Databáze: ScienceDirect