Re–evaluation of the effects of high PEEP with recruitment manoeuvres versus low PEEP without recruitment manoeuvres during general anaesthesia for surgery – Protocol and statistical analysis plan for an individual patient data meta–analysis of PROVHILO, iPROVE and PROBESE

Autor: Campos, N.S., Bluth, T., Hemmes, S.N.T., Librero, J., Pozo, N., Ferrando, C., Ball, L., Mazzinari, G., Pelosi, P., Gama de Abreu, M., Schultz, M.J., Serpa Neto, A. *
Zdroj: In Revista Española de Anestesiología y Reanimación (English Edition) February 2020 67(2):76-89
Databáze: ScienceDirect