The COSPAR planetary protection policy for missions to Icy Worlds: A review of history, current scientific knowledge, and future directions

Autor: Doran, P.T., Hayes, A., Grasset, O., Coustenis, A., Prieto-Ballesteros, O., Hedman, N., Al Shehhi, O., Ammannito, E., Fujimoto, M., Groen, F., Moores, J.E., Mustin, C., Olsson-Francis, K., Peng, J., Praveenkumar, K., Rettberg, P., Sinibaldi, S., Ilyin, V., Raulin, F., Suzuki, Y., Xu, K., Whyte, L.G., Zaitsev, M., Buffo, J., Kminek, G., Schmidt, B.
Zdroj: In Life Sciences in Space Research May 2024 41:86-99
Databáze: ScienceDirect