Drug monitoring detects under- and overdosing in patients receiving 5-fluorouracil-containing chemotherapy—results of a prospective, multicenter German observational study

Autor: Li, M., Mindt, S., Lück, A., Hutzschenreuter, U., Kollendt, M., Lathan, B., Zöller, T., Frank-Gleich, S., Lorentz, C., Lamberti, C., Sick, C., Zingerle, M., Tesch, H., Stein, W., Hebart, H., Stosiek, C., Sandner, R., Fries, S., Burkholder, I., Hofheinz, R.-D.
Zdroj: In ESMO Open April 2023 8(2)
Databáze: ScienceDirect