Why are so huge differences reported in the occurrence rate of skin lipohypertrophy? Does it depend on method defects or on lack of interest?

Autor: Brancario, C., Corigliano, M., Cozzolino, G., Improta, M.R., Fasolino, A., Lamberti, C., Lapice, M., Martino, C., Oliva, D., Raffaele, A., Selleri, A., Simonetti, R., Stile, A., Vecchiato, A., Vetrano, A., Volpe, P., Caputo, G., Del Sorbo, A., Di Capua, M.G., Durazzo, G., Egidio, M., Garofalo, G., Grasso, L., Meo, A., Murano, A., Perillo, L., Procida, R., Vietsi, F., Gentile, S., Strollo, F., Guarino, G.
Zdroj: In Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews January-February 2019 13(1):682-686
Databáze: ScienceDirect