Delphinidin-3-O-glucoside and delphinidin-3-O-rutinoside mediate the redox-sensitive caspase 3-related pro-apoptotic effect of blackcurrant juice on leukaemia Jurkat cells

Autor: León-González, Antonio J., Sharif, Tanveer, Kayali, Asaad, Abbas, Malak, Dandache, Israa, Etienne-Selloum, Nelly, Kevers, Claire, Pincemail, Joël, Auger, Cyril, Chabert, Philippe, Alhosin, Mahmoud, Schini-Kerth, Valérie B. *
Zdroj: In Journal of Functional Foods August 2015 17:847-856
Databáze: ScienceDirect