P-02-43 In Situ Urethral With Invasive Mucosal Melanomas. The Rarest of Rare Penile Carcinomas. Clinical Case and Systematic Review of Literature

Autor: Doménech López, P., Robles García, J.E., Colombás Vives, J., Gutiérrez Castañé, C., Chiva, S., García Cortés, Á., Shustrova, S., Ancizu Marckert, F.J., Barbas Bernardos, G., Torres Roca, M., Andrés Boville, G., Ramón de Fata Chillón, F., Villacampa Aubá, F., Rosell Costa, D., Diez-Caballero Alonso, F.J., Miñana López, B., Pascual Piédrola, J.I.
Zdroj: In The Journal of Sexual Medicine June 2020 17(6) Supplement 2:S185-S185
Databáze: ScienceDirect