Modeling familial danish dementia: Implications for the amyloid hypothesis of Alzheimer's disease

Autor: Coomaraswamy, Janaky, Kilger, Ellen, Woelfing, Heidrun, Schaefer, Claudia, Kaeser, Stephan A., Wegenast-Braun, Bettina, Hefendehl, Jasmin K., Wolburg, Hartwig, Mazzella, Matthew, Ghiso, Jorge, Goedert, Michel, Akiyama, Haruhiko, Garcia-Sierra, Francisco, Wolfer, David P., Mathews, Paul M., Jucker, Mathias
Zdroj: In Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association July 2010 6(4) Supplement:S158-S158
Databáze: ScienceDirect