Design and methods of a randomized trial testing "Advancing care for COPD in people living with HIV by implementing evidence-based management through proactive E-consults (ACHIEVE)"

Autor: Ives, Jennifer, Bagchi, Subarna, Soo, Sherilynn, Barrow, Cera, Akgün, Kathleen M., Erlandson, Kristine M., Goetz, Matthew, Griffith, Matthew, Gross, Robert, Hulgan, Todd, Moanna, Abeer, Soo Hoo, Guy W., Weintrob, Amy, Wongtrakool, Cherry, Adams, Scott V., Sayre, George, Helfrich, Christian D., Au, David H., Crothers, Kristina
Zdroj: In Contemporary Clinical Trials September 2023 132
Databáze: ScienceDirect