Phenotypical Characterization of Airway Morphology in Post-Infectious vs Post-Lung Transplantation Bronchiolitis Obliterans

Autor: Vanstapel, A., Weynand, B., De Zutter, A., Dubbeldam, A., De Sadeleer, L., Kaes, J., Verbeken, E., Ceulemans, L., Geudens, V., Goos, T., Gyselinck, I., Van Raemdonck, D., Neyrinck, A., Dupont, L., Boon, M., Boone, M., Vanaudenaerde, B., Vos, R., Verleden, G., Verleden, S.
Zdroj: In Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation April 2021 40(4) Supplement:S36-S36
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