Clinical Course and Outcomes of Small Supratentorial Intracerebral Hematomas

Autor: Behrouz, Réza *, *, Misra, Vivek *, Godoy, Daniel A. †, ‡, Topel, Christopher H. *, Masotti, Luca §, Klijn, Catharina J.M. , Smith, Craig J. , Parry-Jones, Adrian R. ¶, #, Slevin, Mark A. **, Silver, Brian ††, Willey, Joshua Z. ‡‡, Masjuán Vallejo, Jaime §§, Nzwalo, Hipólito ‖‖, Popa-Wagner, Aurel ¶¶, ##, Malek, Ali R. ***, †††, Hafeez, Shaheryar *, Di Napoli, Mario ‡‡‡, §§§
Zdroj: In Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases June 2017 26(6):1216-1221
Databáze: ScienceDirect