373 (PB-168) - A multi-center evaluation of clinical pathways cost and time using real-life data in 411 breast cancer patients treated with intravenous versus subcutaneous Trastuzumab

Autor: Bernard Marty, C., Blein, C., Borg, M.C., Alfonsi, R., Priou, V., Tournamille, J.F., Forget, J., Lebozec, G., Perez-staub, N., Jaffre, A., Mouret-reynier, M.A., El Islami, Z., Attar-rabia, H., Bahmad, N., Pers-regouby, C.
Zdroj: In European Journal of Cancer April 2018 92 Supplement 3:S106-S107
Databáze: ScienceDirect