1720P How do oncological patients perceive the COVID-19 pandemic? Experience from CHU Liège in Belgium

Autor: Onesti, C.E., Schroeder, H., Rorive, A., Sautois, B., Lecocq, M., Goffin, M., Gonne, E., Collinge, A., Nicolaers, L., Wera, O., Catot, A., Loly, C., Paulus, A., Sibille, A., Lousberg, L.E., Troisfontaine, F., Collignon, J., Gennigens, C., Freres, P., Jerusalem, G.
Zdroj: In Annals of Oncology September 2020 31 Supplement 4:S1010-S1010
Databáze: ScienceDirect