1136P - Phase III KEYNOTE-048 study of first-line (1L) pembrolizumab (P) for recurrent/metastatic (R/M) head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC): Asia vs non-Asia subgroup (subgrp) analysis

Autor: Tahara, M. 1, Hong, R.-L. 2, Wan Ishak, W.Z. 3, Yen, C.-J. 4, Sriuranpong, V. 5, Takahashi, S. 6, Srimuninnimit, V. 7, Yeh, S.-P. 8, Oridate, N. 9, Yang, M.-H. 10, Tanaka, K. 11, Nohata, N. 12, Koh, Y. 12, Roy, A. 13, Gumuscu, B. 13, Swaby, R.F. 13, Ngamphaiboon, N. 14
Zdroj: In Annals of Oncology October 2019 30 Supplement 5:v461-v461
Databáze: ScienceDirect