Randomized phase II trial of irinotecan and bevacizumab as neo-adjuvant and adjuvant to temozolomide-based chemoradiation compared with temozolomide-chemoradiation for unresectable glioblastoma: final results of the TEMAVIR study from ANOCEF

Autor: Chauffert, B. *, Feuvret, L., Bonnetain, F., Taillandier, L., Frappaz, D., Taillia, H., Schott, R., Honnorat, J., Fabbro, M., Tennevet, I., Ghiringhelli, F., Guillamo, J.S., Durando, X., Castera, D., Frenay, M., Campello, C., Dalban, C., Skrzypski, J., Chinot, O.
Zdroj: In Annals of Oncology July 2014 25(7):1442-1447
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