Molecular imaging as a tool to investigate heterogeneity of advanced HER2-positive breast cancer and to predict patient outcome under trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1): the ZEPHIR trial

Autor: Gebhart, G. *, Lamberts, L.E., Wimana, Z., Garcia, C., Emonts, P., Ameye, L., Stroobants, S., Huizing, M., Aftimos, P., Tol, J., Oyen, W.J.G., Vugts, D.J., Hoekstra, O.S., Schröder, C.P., Menke-van der Houven van Oordt, C.W., Guiot, T., Brouwers, A.H., Awada, A., de Vries, E.G.E., Flamen, P.
Zdroj: In Annals of Oncology April 2016 27(4):619-624
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