Meta-analysis in metastatic uveal melanoma to determine progression free and overall survival benchmarks: an international rare cancers initiative (IRCI) ocular melanoma study

Autor: Khoja, L., Atenafu, E.G., Suciu, S., Leyvraz, S., Sato, T., Marshall, E., Keilholz, U., Zimmer, L., Patel, S.P., Piperno-Neumann, S., Piulats, J., Kivelä, T.T., Pfoehler, C., Bhatia, S., Huppert, P., Van Iersel, L.B.J., De Vries, I.J.M., Penel, N., Vogl, T., Cheng, T., Fiorentini, G., Mouriaux, F., Tarhini, A., Patel, P.M., Carvajal, R., Joshua, A.M. *
Zdroj: In Annals of Oncology August 2019 30(8):1370-1380
Databáze: ScienceDirect