Binding of hepatitis C viruslike particles to target cells as a model for the study of virus neutralizing antibodies: Thomas F Baumert, Bettina Klumpp, Daniel Steinmann, Heidi Barth, Sabine Wellnitz, Dept of Medicine II, University of Freiburg, Freiburg Germany; Erik Depla, Innogenetics Corp, Gent Belgium; Genevieve Inchauspé, INSERM 271, Lyon France; J T Gerlach, Gerd R Pape, Dept of Medicine II, University of Munich, Munich Germany; Miriam Triyatni, T J Liang, Liver Diseases Section, NIDDK, NIH, Bethesda, MD; Hubert E Blum, Dept of Medicine II, University of Freiburg, Freiburg Germany

Zdroj: In Hepatology 2001 34(4) Part 2:A438-A438
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