Favorable prognosis of subcutaneous sarcoidosis: French cohort of 80 patients compared with dermal sarcoidosis

Autor: Chauffier, Jeanne a, b, Chasset, François b, c, Battistella, Maxime d, e, Jachiet, Marie a, Vignon Pennamen, Marie-Dominique d, Cohen, Elisabeth f, Dupin, Nicolas f, Lheure, Coralie f, Begon, Edouard g, Bessis, Didier h, de Masson, Adèle a, e, Jachiet, Vincent i, Gottlieb, Jeremy j, Teboul, Alexandre c, Bergeret, Blanche k, Brenaut, Emilie l, Debarbieux, Sebastien m, Gazengel, Pierre n, Tazi, Abdellatif e, o, Nunes, Hilario n, p, Bouaziz, Jean-David a, e, Mahévas, Thibault a, ∗
Zdroj: In Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology February 2025 92(2):329-332
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