Determination of the neutron yield of Be, V and Ta targets irradiated with protons (22-42 MeV) by means of prompt gamma neutron activation analysis

Autor: Rimmler, Marius, Baggemann, Johannes, Böhm, Sarah, Doege, Paul-Emmanuel, Felden, Olaf, Fröhlich, Nils-Oliver, Gebel, Ralf, Li, Jiatong, Li, Jingjing, Mauerhofer, Eric, Rücker, Ulrich, Strothmann, Mathias, Valdau, Yury, Zakalek, Paul, Gutberlet, Thomas, Brückel, Thomas
Zdroj: In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 21 February 2021 990
Databáze: ScienceDirect