Experimental verification of hypothesis of dd reaction enhancement by channeling of deuterons in titanium deuteride at ultralow energies

Autor: Bystritsky, V.M., Bystritskii, Vit.M., Dudkin, G.N., Filipowicz, M., Gazi, S., Huran, J., Mesyats, G.A., Nechaev, B.A., Padalko, V.N., Parzhitskii, S.S., Pen’kov, F.M., Philippov, A.V., Tuleushev, Yu.Zh., Varlachev, V.A.
Zdroj: In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 11 November 2014 764:42-47
Databáze: ScienceDirect