Measurements of production cross sections of 10Be and 26Al by 120 GeV and 392 MeV proton bombardment of 89Y, 159Tb, and natCu targets

Autor: Sekimoto, S., Okumura, S., Yashima, H., Matsushi, Y., Matsuzaki, H., Matsumura, H., Toyoda, A., Oishi, K., Matsuda, N., Kasugai, Y., Sakamoto, Y., Nakashima, H., Boehnlein, D., Coleman, R., Lauten, G., Leveling, A., Mokhov, N., Ramberg, E., Soha, A., Vaziri, K., Ninomiya, K., Omoto, T., Shima, T., Takahashi, N., Shinohara, A., Caffee, M.W., Welten, K.C., Nishiizumi, K., Shibata, S., Ohtsuki, T.
Zdroj: In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B 15 October 2015 361:685-688
Databáze: ScienceDirect