The OMERACT whole-body MRI scoring system for inflammation in peripheral joints and entheses (WIPE) in spondyloarthritis - reference image atlas for the knee region

Autor: Østergaard, Mikkel, Wetterslev, Marie, Hadsbjerg, Anna EF, Maksymowych, Walter P, Eshed, Iris, Jans, Lennart, Emad, Yasser, Pedersen, Susanne J, Stoenoiu, Maria S, Bird, Paul, Foltz, Violaine, Mathew, Ashish J, Paschke, Joel, Carron, Philippe, De Marco, Gabriele, Marzo-Ortega, Helena, Møller-Bisgaard, Signe, Conaghan, Philip G, Lambert, Robert GW
Zdroj: In Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism April 2024 65
Databáze: ScienceDirect