Use of the Foreign Studies: Transposition of the Results, Prediction of the Therapeutic Effects in the French Population, Modelling of the Public Health Interest

Autor: Abenhaïm, L., Ambrosi, P., Bardou, M., Boissel, J-P., Brun, C., Castaigne, A., Chassany, O., de Bels, F., de Sahb Berkovitch, R., El Hasnaoui, A., Fagagni, F., Fourrier-Reglat, A., Gastaldi-Meninger, C., Goehrs, J.-M., Gueffier, F., Hotton, J.-M., Ichou, F., Lechat, P., Maillère, P., Meyer, F., Micallef, J., Molimard, M., Moreau-Defarges, T., Perillat, A., Pigeon, M., Poitrinal, P., Rey-Quino, C., Ricordeau, P., Ropers, J., Massol, Jacques, Zylberman, Myriam *, Goehrs, Jean-Marie
Zdroj: In Thérapie November-December 2006 61(6):491-499
Databáze: ScienceDirect