Ultraproducts of Z with an Application to Many-Valued Logics

Autor: Brasó, Joan Gispert i **Partially supported by Grants Nos. FI/94-1351 and SGR/96-00052 of DGR of Generalitat de Catalunya and by Grant No. PB97-0888 of DGICYT of Spain and by COST ACTION 15 on many-valued logics for computer science applications., Mundici, Daniele ††Partially supported by COST ACTION 15 on many-valued logics for computer science applications, and by the Italian MURST Project on Logic., Torrell, Antoni Torrens ‡‡Partially supported by Grant No. SGR/96-00052 of DGR of Generalitat de Catalunya and by Grant No. PB97-0888 of DGICYT of Spain and by COST ACTION 15 on many-valued logics for computer science applications.
Zdroj: In Journal of Algebra 1 September 1999 219(1):214-233
Databáze: ScienceDirect