Evolution of the aerosol composition in the BASYS network study and Lagrangian experiments in summer 1997 and winter 1998

Autor: Schulz, M., Cachier, H., Ebinghaus, R., Ferm, M., Hongisto, M., Iverfeldt, A., Jylha, K., Krueger, O., Kusmierczyk-Michulec, J., de Leeuw, G., Marks, R., Moermann, M., Munthe, J., Nadstazik, A., Ruellan, S., Petersen, G., Plate, E., Ulevicius, V., Schneider, B., Schmolke, S., Sopauskiene, D.
Zdroj: In Journal of Aerosol Science September 1999 30 Supplement 1:S97-S98
Databáze: ScienceDirect