JAK2ex13InDel drives oncogenic transformation and is associated with chronic eosinophilic leukemia and polycythemia vera

Autor: Patel, Ami B. 1, 2, *, Franzini, Anca 2, *, Leroy, Emilie 3, 4, †, Kim, Soo Jin 2, †, Pomicter, Anthony D. 2, Genet, Lidvine 3, 4, Xiao, Michael 5, Yan, Dongqing 2, Ahmann, Jonathan M. 2, Agarwal, Archana M. 6, Clair, Phillip 1, Addada, Juanah 7, Lambert, Jonathan 8, Salmon, Matthew 9, 10, Gleich, Gerald J. 11, 12, Cross, Nicholas C.P. 9, 10, Constantinescu, Stefan N. 3, 4, O'Hare, Thomas 1, 2, Prchal, Josef T. 1, 13, Deininger, Michael W. 1, 2
Zdroj: In Blood 26 December 2019 134(26):2388-2398
Databáze: ScienceDirect