Compare of SCIENCE STUDIES Theory System in China and Foreign Countries Based on Scientometrics

Autor: Zeyuan, Liu, Yue, Chen, Hai-Yen, Hou, Li-Chun, Yin, Chun-Lin, Jiang
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Zeyuan, Liu and Yue, Chen and Hai-Yen, Hou and Li-Chun, Yin and Chun-Lin, Jiang Compare of SCIENCE STUDIES Theory System in China and Foreign Countries Based on Scientometrics., 2006 . In International Workshop on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & Seventh COLLNET Meeting, Nancy (France), May 10 - 12, 2006. (Unpublished) [Conference paper]
Druh dokumentu: Conference paper
Popis: During the last 10 years, a new framework of SCIENCE STUDIES Theory System has been formed with the progress of science and technology (S&T). Starting with the research tradition and paradigm, we study the main academic fields, the relative disciplines and focuses of SCIENCE STUDIES with the analytical tools and the methods in Scientometrics. The results of study conclude the following: -in the applied. field, “Science”, “Technology”, “Innovation” and corresponding “S&T Policy and Management” are found in the mainstream; -in the methodological field, “Webometrics”, “Knowledge Mapping and Visualization Technology”, which are the advanced domains, have developed greatly; -in the theoretical field, scholars and scientists start to focus on the interaction of Science-Technology-Innovation, the evolution of some disciplines in natural science and the theory of cooperation in S&T. Basing on the above, the construction of SCIENCE STUDIES Theory System in the new century is discussed.
Databáze: E-LIS (Eprints in Library & Information Science)